
Enterprise Portal Development Videos

maqk® by Unknown | 3:05 PM

I have just started EP development - and I never knew it was all the same - just that proxies adds minor of complexity

And guess what - all my web dev xp is gonna get polished back

EP comes with some very powerful and ready to use web parts. This post is however a 'LINKS' and not 'TUTORIAL' post, the latter will come by next year since every1 is going for holidays. 

So without any delay, here they are, all videos, enjoy:

  • How do I videos - Enterprise Portal Development Series: 
  • Videos at CustomerSource
    • Creating simple Enterprise Portal Lookups using EDT, DataSetField and custom lookups using DataSet or User Controls in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012: http://mediadl.microsoft.com/mediadl/www/d/dynamics/customersource/CCAX2012HT0030_Enterprise%20Portal%20Lookup.wmv
    • Understanding record context when interacting with data in the Enterprise Portal for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012: http://mediadl.microsoft.com/mediadl/www/d/dynamics/customersource/CCAX2012HT0029_Enterprise%20Portal%20Record%20Context.wmv
    • List page development in the Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Enterprise Portal: http://mediadl.microsoft.com/mediadl/www/d/dynamics/customersource/CCAX2012HT0031_Enterprise%20Portal%20List%20Page%20Development.wmv
    • Detail page development in the Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Enterprise Portal: http://mediadl.microsoft.com/mediadl/www/d/dynamics/customersource/AX2012CoreConceptsVideo_CCAX2012HT0032_EPDetailsPagesDev.wmv
    • Developing detail page interactions with Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Enterprise Portal, Part1: http://mediadl.microsoft.com/mediadl/www/d/dynamics/customersource/nCCAX2012DI0015_1_Enterprise%20Portal%20Details%20Page%20Interaction%20Patterns%20-%20Part%201.wmv
    • Developing detail page interactions with Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Enterprise Portal, Part2: http://mediadl.microsoft.com/mediadl/www/d/dynamics/customersource/CCAX2012DI0015_2_Enterprise%20Portal%20Details%20Page%20Interaction%20Patterns%20-%20Part%202.wmv
    • Debugging customizations and new development with the Enterprise Portal for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012: http://mediadl.microsoft.com/mediadl/www/d/dynamics/customersource/CCAX2012HT0028_Enterprise%20Portal%20Debugging.wmv

X++ - Cancelling the event / method in its Pre event handler

maqk® by Unknown | 4:44 PM

Eventing enables to extend applications as well to decouple the components and underlying implementations. It is a great way to write new logic without worrying a change in the underlying components.

Automatic Event Handlers

X++ provides custom delegates as well as Automatic event handlers
  • Pre - Occurs before
  • Post - Occurs after

Pre Event Handler

One of the responsibilities / usage of the Pre event handler is to validate if all conditions are correct for the commencement of the main method. Or to populate / fill any other component(s) which is required in the main method.

Cancel Event

This became a pain for me last night. I was trying to do something that we does in DotNet windows application :D 

e.Cancel = true;

Where is that ? Answer is, perhaps no where :P (educate me if I am wrong please)

But there are alternates to it. Thanks to my ex colleague and friend Asim Saeed's blog post: Yes it is quite a natural alternate, simply throw an exception.


But that will end the whole program execution, unless caught in any catch and taken care there. What I mean is, consider a complex logic that spans multiple classes or methods. What if one of the optional method's Pre event handler simply throw's exception whereas the process should have continued. In such case, that particular event should be cancelled rather than the whole program flow. I want to have granular control here, only cancel the specfic event producer method, not the whole process 

One way to do this is to have a flag parameter in the event producer method's parameters, set it to false in the Pre event handler on particular condition (i.e. if things are not found good to continue this event). Then at the start of event producer method, simply return out if the status flag is found to be false.

To demonstrate the same, we have 2 classes,

  • CMaqkProducer_Event
    • With a method and its event handler subscription
  • CMaqkConsumer_Event
    • With event handlers registered to handle event subscription defined on the producer

The code for the producer class is provided for our reference;

Producer class: Maq_EventProducer

class Maq_EventProducer
    //Macros for Product Configuration, carries #true and #false for sting to bool conversions

/// This method is producing a Pre event handler
/// A sample parameter passed to the method for
/// Status parameter passed from XppPrePostArgs class containing the result from Pre event Handler
/// We will return in the begining of this method if the results form Pre event Handler are not ok

public void method1(str _str, str _status = "")

    if (_status == #false)
    // continue; ;)
    info("Maq_EventProducer.method1() called");


/// Another method besides method1() 
/// This method exists and is called to demonstrate continuation of program flow besides event cancellation

public void method2()
    info("second method, Maq_EventProducer.method2() called");

Notice the line 'return;' at the begining of method1() after evaluating the _status defaulted value (string) value with #true. Using this theme, we cancel the whole event from progress.

Consumer Class: Maq_EventConsumer

class Maq_EventConsumer
    //Macros for Product Configuration
    Maq_EventProducer   objProducer; //Reference to producer

/// parm method to access producer
/// the reference variable to the event producer class object

public Maq_EventProducer parmObjProducer(Maq_EventProducer _objProducer = objProducer)
    objProducer = _objProducer;

    return objProducer;

/// The static main method
/// arguments passed

public static void main(Args args)
    Maq_EventConsumer objConsumer = new Maq_EventConsumer();
    Maq_EventProducer objProducer = new Maq_EventProducer();

/// the default logic processing method of consumer class

public void run()
    info("Consumer class run() method called");


/// The pre Event Handler
/// payload

public static void preClass1_Method1(XppPrePostArgs _args)
    info(strFmt("pre event handler called"));

    // Cancelling the event by setting the function's parameter, "_status" = 0

    // other code logic body may go here
    // other code logic body may go here

    // Checking if some logic has asked to cancel the event
    if (_args.getArg("_status") == #false)
        warning("Class1 method1() event cancelled due to condition");

    // Later in the event producer method body, we will check the value and would work accordingly if found 0



Calling the consumer class's run() method calls both the methods of producer class. The snapshot below shows the program flow result.

Results - Program flow continues only canceling the event

The Pre Event Handler cancels the main event, but the program flow continues. Had we thrown error / warning in the Pre event handler, producer's method2() would not have been called. But now using the event payload (XppPrePostArgs) and having a default value parameter theme, we can only cancel the event we want to and not the whole program flow.
I recently started to study SysOperation framework. It is the new way to perform the interactive batchable code execution. Compared to RunBaseBatch which had 12 overloads, it has quite few, mainly

  • new (where we specify which class's method to execute actually)
  • main (where we call the base class's startOperation() method)
  • \
Apart from these two, another method is a key method, the method mapped in the new() body which is called by the framework on the startOperation() framework method
  • customMethod (the method we map in the new() body, this method do not need to reside here, it can be any class;s method, sometimes its the controller method, better practice is to create a service class and place this method there)
The microsoft provided guide might be good for robots and androids, but I am a human and I raise question. There was no where mentioned how a controller class comes to know which contract class is ITS CONTRACT CLASS ?

There was no clue. Only wild or intellegent guesses. One guess was, does it go by the name ? Not possible, simply not a practice at all to follow. Then What ? I read the code hard ? How many places have we provided the reference of a data contract ??? 

Yes I got it, instantly I realized this cab only be the contract class parameter passed as argument in the method which was mapped to be called by the framework method, 'startOperation()'. And this is all done in the controller class's new() method body. For proof of concept, I performed a rawwxample at my local machine.

I created a simple controller and 2 ccontract classes one having 1 more argument than the other. The code for all the three classes are provided for our reference;

Controller Class
class MaqkControllerClass extends SysOperationServiceController

void new()

    this.parmMethodName(methodStr(MaqkControllerClass, maqkMethod1));
    this.parmDialogCaption('Basic SysOperation Sample');

public static void main(Args args)
    MaqkControllerClass operation;

    operation = new MaqkControllerClass();

// The Data Contract class passed as Parameter - Whatever class is passed here becomes the Data Contract class for this controller
public void maqkMethod1(MaqkContractClass2 _maqkContract)

    info(strFmt('SysOpSampleBasicController: %1, %2', _maqkContract.parmNumber(), _maqkContract.parmText()));
Contract class 1 - just 2 members, 1 string, 1 integer
class MaqkContractClass
    str text;
    int number;

SysOperationLabelAttribute('Number Property'),
SysOperationHelpTextAttribute('Type some number >= 0'),
public int parmNumber(int _number = number)
    number = _number;

    return number;

SysOperationLabelAttribute('Text Property'),
SysOperationHelpTextAttribute('Type some text'),
public Description255 parmText(str _text = text)
    text = _text;

    return text;
2nd Contract class with 1 more text variable
class MaqkCOntractClass2
    str text;
    int number;
    str text2;

SysOperationLabelAttribute('Number Property'),
SysOperationHelpTextAttribute('Type some number >= 0'),
public int parmNumber(int _number = number)
    number = _number;

    return number;

SysOperationLabelAttribute('Text Property'),
SysOperationHelpTextAttribute('Type some text'),
public Description255 parmText(str _text = text)
    text = _text;

    return text;

SysOperationLabelAttribute('Text Property 2'),
SysOperationHelpTextAttribute('Type some other text2'),
public Description255 parmText2(str _text2 = text2)
    text2 = _text2;

    return text2;

Note the signature of the custom method (mapped to be called on startOperation() framework method). It is of the type of our data contract class, MaqkContractClass2. In my example, I sent the MaqkControllerClass2 class parameter. What rendered as dialog? See the following

Changing this parameter to MaqkContractClass loads different dialog, notice the difference of one dialo field less below;

Hence prooved :) Question arises, what if we give a class with no [DataContractAttribute] or [DataMember] parameter ? Answer is given below :)

and you can press the edit method to see the internal code of how the contract class is exactly associated with the controller class ;)

Recently I had to change, increase rather the length of a string variable in a service constituting Table. Simple thing huh. I created a new string EDT with more length and attached to the string field. My Import Utility (AIF) for Items (Products) failed with the data length error.

Invalid document schema. The following error was returned:  The 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/dynamics/2008/01/documents/TableName:FieldName' element is invalid - The value 'sample value provided by API consumer' is invalid according to its datatype 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/dynamics/2008/01/sharedtypes:AxdExtType_SomeDefaultEDTName' - The actual length is greater than the MaxLength value. The actual length is greater than the MaxLength value.

Actually the document schema was mentioning the same old data type. I was quite sure there must be an automated way to refresh the xml schema of the related document.There is one, under Tools > AIF > Update Document Service (from IDE). This opens the 'Update document service' form

In my case however, it created some new classes, new Ax<Table> classes. Then I refreshed AIF Services from AOT > Forms > AifService (form).

One more thing to mention is that the new classes had bugs in them, specifically in the methods that were dealing with the cacheObject classes. Their bodies were commented for developer to write desired implementation. But this was totally out of scope for me, I removed those methods. All fine, incremental CIL generated. AIF refreshed, hit my utility > Import, same old jeopardizing error :(

The schema was same old, same old shared type referenced :S. I realized that Ax<Table> class is wrapping the table, lets see there :) Yes there it is, the parm method referring to the field i changed.

public fieldEDT parmField(fieldEDT _fieldEDT = '')
    if (!prmisDefault(_searchName))
        this.setField(fieldNum(TableName, FieldName), _fieldEDT);

    return tableBuffer.FieldName;


Actually this class wraps the table, and this class and its methods and meta data are used to create and refresh Document Schema. If you have to add a new field in your web service, you may add / modify the parm methods in the particular Ax<Table> class.


Refreshing through Update Document Schema added new Ax<Table> classes. However, in the respective Axd<Table> class class method (), they were not mentioned in any case. This resulted in following error;
This document does not support the AxEcoResProductIdentifier class.
I am quite sure it was the update document schema > 'Regenerate data object classes' process bug, it should have made respective case scenarios and initialized relevant Ax<Table> classes. See below illustration

Use of Category Hierarchy are a great way to classify our items ad other stuff. 

There can be scenarios in which you need to associate a particular entity (Item for instance) with Category Hierarchy. Once required, you will need the user to select a category (from the category hierarchy tree) against the entity which you are associating with category. 

Generally it would mean a lot of work. Make a custom form, drop the tree control, write complete tree populating logic, on user click event pass the category RecID to the parent form and so on. But this is not the way we develop on systems that are classified under the category of ERP :)

We are suppose to reuse the existing logic to save time and effort, and extend AX rather reinventing.

One of my friend, an expert in his domain ما شاء الله , Amir Nazim helped me in this. He gave me the correct reference of a perfectly reusable solution already applied on Purchase Order (Procurement module) form.

At the very bottom, we need a primary key based relation between your table and EcoResCategory table (The table that actually holds the definition of each category item). Hence on PurchLine Table, we have a relation with EcoResCategory table 

And on PurchTable Form, are the two overridden methods (at DataDource > PurchLine ) as follows;
  • lookupReference
  • resolveReference
Bodies of both the methods are provided for our reference;


    return EcoResCategory::lookupCategoryHierarchyRole(

public Common resolveReference(FormReferenceControl _formReferenceControl)
    return EcoResCategory::resolveCategoryHierarchyRole(

These two methods does the rest for us that is populating the tree, displaying it as a lookup and etc. Enjoy re-usability :)

Transact SQL - nth day of Month (DateName)

maqk® by Unknown | 3:10 AM

One of my projects wants me to identify the given date's day name (DateName) ad find its occurrence in the given month. Say today is Tuesday, 20th May 2014, and this is the 3rd Tuesday of this month.

Once it is identified that the given date [20 may 2014] is 3rd Tuesday of the month, go back to last month's 3rd Tuesday, print sales data, keep going back for last 4 months and print sales data, interesting :) yet tiring too

So we are going to know if today, or any given date's day (DateName) is 2nd Monday of the Month, or 4th Tuesday  ? or 3rd Sunday ? or nth day of Month

Just now I wrote some code to find the occurrence of day in current month. The code is not refactored for any good :D (Sorry its mid mid night and my brain cells are too short i guess). Any ways it does the trick

Declare @du_date datetime, @du_date_FirstDate datetime
Declare @du_date_DateName nvarchar(10), @thDayOccStr nvarchar(4)
Declare @thDayOcc int

Set @du_date = getDate()

Select @du_date_DateName = DATENAME(dw, @du_date)

Set @thDayOcc = 0
Set @du_date_FirstDate = dateadd(day,1-datepart(day,@du_date),@du_date)

While (@du_date_FirstDate <= @du_date)
--** Calculate which th day it is of this month, next we will find same for last month(s) **--
if (DATENAME(dw, @du_date_FirstDate) = @du_date_DateName)
Set @thDayOcc += 1
--Select 'Adding', DATENAME(dw, @du_date_FirstDate_Copy), @du_date_DateName, @thDayOcc

Select @du_date_FirstDate = DateAdd(dd,1,@du_date_FirstDate)
Set @thDayOccStr = Convert(nvarchar(100), @thDayOcc)

Select [Date processed] = @DU_Date, @du_date_DateName, [DateName occurence in Month] = @thDayOcc,
 @thDayOccStr +
When @thDayOcc = 1 Then 'st '
When @thDayOcc = 2 Then 'nd '
When @thDayOcc = 3 Then 'rd '
Else 'th '
+ @du_date_DateName + ' of the Month'
There are tons of blog posts available on the internet guiding to use business connector for read/write operations. Most of them are dealing with how to write opening a table buffer, initializing it, setting field values (set_Field()) and then hitting the write operation.

This is good and simple, and so is sending parameters to table / class, but I could not find the later under any relevant title, hence getting the exactly required thing difficult.

I found my need fulfilled somewhere in Mr. Corey Lasley's blog post: Using the .NET Business Connector to Export...

So the topic actually is about reusing existing business logic. And in doing so, you will need to call several existing, well defined, well tested Class / Table methods. And in doing so.... :D you may need to call paramater less and parameter requiring static methods.

There are two methods inside the 'Axapta' class, 'CallStaticClassMethod' and 'CallStaticRecordMethod'. Both of them calls static methods from Class objects and Table objects respectively. The below code (.Net --> C#) excerpt provides a tutorial for calling an existing existing table method and passing parameters to it.

Axapta ax;
            AxaptaRecord objAxRec;
            Object[] parm = new Object[2]; 
            Object result;
            parm[0] = "Param1Value";
            parm[1] = "Param1Value";

                ax = new Axapta();
                ax.Logon(null, null, null, null);
                result = ax.CallStaticRecordMethod("InventSum", "find", parm);                
            catch (Exception ex)
As you can see, an array of objects (size of method's parameter count) is assigned values and passed it as the last parameter.

For classes, use 'CallStaticClassMethod'
Often we need to make action panes and menu items on customized locations which form templates won't generate. Hence we need the icon ids for icons like new, edit, cancel, excel etc. Sure you will open a system form (Say salestablelistpage) and check their the icons and their ids. 

A good alternative is to have a reference table / list of all such icons you may require again to use later in such a scenario. So here it goes :)

Common image IDs for Action pane (Embedded / AOT Resources)


New:   11045

Edit:   10040
Edit in grid:  10011
Cancel (document): 10406
Delete:   10121

Copy:   12475
Copy Lines:  12218

Summary (calc):  10832
Print Mgmt:  10698
Line Quantity:  12415
Trade Agreement: 12430
Cases:   11229
Document confirmation: 10511
Line Amounts:  12458 (11038)

Send to Excel:  10156
Refresh:  11437

Attachments:  10442
Generate from Template: ImageResourceOfficeTemplate_ico [AOTResource]

There can be reasons to add a new design to an SSRS report
  •  Have multiple designs side by side and print each for specific scenario
  • Have the new customized design deployed while preserving the original one
  • Have designs for different localization (As seen in AX default reports)
Its your choice. I used to keep the original report layout and fields so that I can get to the previous state whenever I want without worrying of any XPO imports. For a simple report, this may be as straightforward as mentioning the report deign name in the ssrsReportName method as follows;

However for control documents (reports generated at each specific state of a business document), this needs one more level of definition.

Set Custom design from code

Normally the report name is provided to the class as follows
controller.initArgs(_args, ssrsReportStr(SalesPackingSlip, report));

The ssrsReportStr method takes 2 parameters
  1. The report name - string
  2. The deisgn name - string
For control documents, this alone is not enough. Control document designs / formats are to be configured from the Print management feature provided in setup.

Path: -> Setup .> Forms -> Forms Setup
e.g. Accounts Payable > Setup > Forms > Forms Setup

The form provides each control document identified by the system and report and its format associated as default.

But your custom design won't appear in the configuration form unless a system class is modified for the same. There is a class with the name, "PrintMgmtDocType" with a method, 'getDefaultReportFormat()'. The default report design of a control document is resolved when the framework calls this method. You will notice that all the different localization based report formats are mentioned under the localization checks. In order for your custom design to appear in the configuration, you will have to return your custom design in some condition in this method.

For example, suppose you have added a new custom report design for sales invoice report. The code modification may look as follows;
case PrintMgmtDocumentType::SalesOrderInvoice:
if (SysCountryRegionCode::isLegalEntityInCountryRegion([#isoEE]))
    return ssrsReportStr(SalesInvoice, ReportEE);
return ssrsReportStr(SalesInvoice, CustomDesign);

You may add conditions like configuration key checks, company name, localization, menu item checks etc to decide which design to load.

Also note that these designs are originally built in the Visual Studio IDE (reporting tools extensions). When the AX model is build in visual studio and compiled in AOT, the new dsesign name is also available in X++ and would get compiled. Otherwise, the AOT may give error and may not recognize the new design. After the above code, the Print Management setup form would look like this;

Select the custom design and generate the particular control documents to see your new design in action :)
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
Hello and many congrats to all the readers for the new year. With the new year comes new challenges and their solutions. We continue to experience new hurdles and when we successfully handles them, create new blog posts to share our resolution with the readers. I wish this series of NEW thing continues to help us enhance our experiences to perform better in our professional careers :)

This new year eve I spent on my live client only to get surprise to see an error while deploying the changes that I made in the SalesInvoiceReport. After right clicking the report (emphasized due to recent changes)

Actually I added a new design to keep the original layout and created a new one. But all this complexity did not collaborated in the production of this error. I checked the report server is rightly configured in AX (validated the configuration to get all success), checked the report server configuration, it has to be fine since the all the reports were working fine flawlessly. 

Definitely there was something wrong due to some recent things I added. The SSRS report would compile OK, The DP and controller classes would compile fine. The model object... ahan. I compiled the model object to get a few errors. I cant remember the exact error now, and unfortunately I could not take any snapshot then, but one of the errors I remembered said 
'GenerateRdlTask failed'
Googling all this gave nothing exact for my problem. until I somehow looked in the windows event log which removed all the dark clouds in front of me and gave the real picture right in front of my eyes

Exception trace

Generation of the WCF configuration has failed, and the previously saved local configuration will be used.
Exception details:
System.InvalidOperationException: Unable to connect to a Microsoft Dynamics AX WCF service. Ensure that the Microsoft Dynamics AX AOS has fully started and that the requested WCF service is available. See the exception message below for details:
>Metadata contains a reference that cannot be resolved: 'http://myserver:8101/DynamicsAx/Services/MyMisConfiguredWebService'.
   at Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Framework.Services.Client.Configuration.ClientConfigurationInternal.GetEndpointCollectionFromWsdlUri(String wsdlUri)
   at Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Framework.Services.Client.Configuration.ClientConfigurationInternal.RetrieveIntegrationPortEndpoints(String aosServer, Int32 wsdlPort, List`1 portInfoList, Dictionary`2 endpointPortMap)
   at Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Framework.Services.Client.Configuration.ClientConfigurationInternal.RetrieveEndpointsFromMetadata(String aosServer, Int32 wsdlPort, List`1 portInfoList, Dictionary`2 endpointPortMap)
   at Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Framework.Services.Client.Configuration.ClientConfigurationInternal.ParseWsdlFromAos(String aosServer, Int32 wsdlPort, List`1 portInfoList)
   at Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Framework.Services.Client.Configuration.ClientConfigurationInternal.GetClientConfiguration()

WCF Configuration

Initially I could not realize this error is related to my issue, deploying a changed report from AOT. But soon I realized this error will generate whenever I will attempt to deploy the report. This means that WCF configuration is always generated whenevr a report is attempted for deployment. I have ye to explore this things. I know that SSRS is based on WCF (and so is the new batch framework, SysOperationsFramework that is).

Architecture with dependency ?

But still should there be a new WCF configuration generation at deployment of each report ? Which will fail eventually if any web service endpoint is maliciously configured ? I think we definitely can have improvements here :)

The exception trace clearly mentions one of my test web service which was long stopped / moved whatever and was not taken care of since a lot of time. I saw a red "minus" icon (common for disabled or not working item representation) along with it. I deactivated it and then deployed the report. The report deployed with no more exceptions


Whenever a report is deployed, the WCF configuration is generated which can fail if any web service is misconfigured. The above stack trace confirms this.