I have just started EP development - and I never knew it was all the same - just that proxies adds minor of complexity
And guess what - all my web dev xp is gonna get polished back
EP comes with some very powerful and ready to use web parts. This post is however a 'LINKS' and not 'TUTORIAL' post, the latter will come by next year since every1 is going for holidays.
So without any delay, here they are, all videos, enjoy:
- How do I videos - Enterprise Portal Development Series:
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics/ax/cc507280.aspx - Videos at CustomerSource
- Creating simple Enterprise Portal Lookups using EDT, DataSetField and custom lookups using DataSet or User Controls in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012: http://mediadl.microsoft.com/mediadl/www/d/dynamics/customersource/CCAX2012HT0030_Enterprise%20Portal%20Lookup.wmv
- Understanding record context when interacting with data in the Enterprise Portal for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012: http://mediadl.microsoft.com/mediadl/www/d/dynamics/customersource/CCAX2012HT0029_Enterprise%20Portal%20Record%20Context.wmv
- List page development in the Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Enterprise Portal: http://mediadl.microsoft.com/mediadl/www/d/dynamics/customersource/CCAX2012HT0031_Enterprise%20Portal%20List%20Page%20Development.wmv
- Detail page development in the Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Enterprise Portal: http://mediadl.microsoft.com/mediadl/www/d/dynamics/customersource/AX2012CoreConceptsVideo_CCAX2012HT0032_EPDetailsPagesDev.wmv
- Developing detail page interactions with Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Enterprise Portal, Part1: http://mediadl.microsoft.com/mediadl/www/d/dynamics/customersource/nCCAX2012DI0015_1_Enterprise%20Portal%20Details%20Page%20Interaction%20Patterns%20-%20Part%201.wmv
- Developing detail page interactions with Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Enterprise Portal, Part2: http://mediadl.microsoft.com/mediadl/www/d/dynamics/customersource/CCAX2012DI0015_2_Enterprise%20Portal%20Details%20Page%20Interaction%20Patterns%20-%20Part%202.wmv
- Debugging customizations and new development with the Enterprise Portal for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012: http://mediadl.microsoft.com/mediadl/www/d/dynamics/customersource/CCAX2012HT0028_Enterprise%20Portal%20Debugging.wmv